
Accessibility Policy and Plan 2022-2024 updated Nov 22 Admission Policy 2023-2024 Admission Policy 2024-2025 Admissions Policy 2025-2026 Anti-Bullying September 2021 Appropriate Policy Document Feb-2024 Assessment Policy Nov-2023-2025 Attendance Policy March-2024 Behaviour and Relationships Policy June-2023-v2 Behaviour Statement Nov-2023-2024 Charging and Remissions Policy 2024 Child Protection Policy Sept-2023 Complaints Policy Sept-21 Confidentiality Policy May 2024-2027 Data Subject Rights Guidance Feb-2024 Drugs Policy November-2022 EAL Policy-2023-2025 Early Years Foundation Stage Policy April 2024 English Policy July-2023 Freedom of Information November-2023 Freedom of Information Policy Nov-2023 First Aid Policy Nov-23 GDPR Hampshire schools retention schedule GDPR Statement of Intent Feb-2023 General Data Protection Policy February-2024 Governors Allowance Policy 2022 Handwriting Policy 2024-2026 Health and Safety Policy Sept-23 Home Learning Policy 2024-2026 Home School Agreement Jan-2024-2026 Intimate Care Policy March 2023 Keeping children safe in education 2023 Lone Working Policy Nov-2021-2023 Managing Aggressive Behaviour from Parents and Visitors to our School Policy Marking and Feedback Policy March-23 No Smoking Policy Nov2016 Online Safety Policy October 2023 Phonics and Early Reading Policy Sept-22 Privacy Notice for Pupils (Parents) Feb-2024 Privacy Notice for School Governors Feb-2024 Privacy Notice for Workforce Feb-2024 Procedure for Protected Disclosures (“Whistle blowing”) October-2020 Providing Remote Education information to parents Jan_2021crpsv2 PSHE Policy 2024-2026 RE Policy and Overview-2022-2023-v2 Remote Teaching and Learning Policy January-2021 Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy June-2023 RSE Policy 2024-2025 Safeguarding Policy Sept-2023 SEND Policy Nov-2023-2024 Single Equality Policy March 24 Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy 2023-2024 Visitor Policy Sept-2021-2024