PE and Sport Premium

PE Days

Children should attend school in their full PE kit and suitable footwear on the days they are due to have PE.

Year R - Thursday and Friday
Year 1 - Tuesday and Friday
Year 2 - Wednesday and Friday
Year 3 - Tuesday and Friday
Year 4 - Monday and Thursday
Year 5 - Wednesdays and Thursdays
Year 6 - Mondays and Thursdays


Physical Education (P.E.)

The children develop their bodily awareness and an appreciation of good health and physical fitness through a structured P.E. programme. Our well-equipped hall, playgrounds and playing fields provide both indoor and outdoor opportunities to develop games, dance and gymnastic skills. We encourage healthy, co-operative competition through team games and the development of individual skills with large and small apparatus. Children have regular lessons in gym, dance and outdoor games as well as daily ‘brain gym’ sessions using the ‘Activate’ programme in Key Stage 1.

Sporting opportunities include football, netball, rugby, hockey, tennis, athletics, rounders and cricket. Swimming is taught to children in Year 3 with follow up sessions in other year groups. Extra-curricular clubs take place after school, offering a range of sporting experiences such as football, rugby, multi-skills, hockey and netball.

Early Years Foundation Stage also have a wide variety of equipment and resources to support their physical development, available every day. As well as planned activities to help with gross motor skills, coordination, balance and fine motor skills alongside their timetabled P.E. lessons.
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.